Current status – Open for sessions


Just a quick note to reassure you if you are looking for a newborn or family photographer at this time.  I will be reviewing all decisions regarding hygiene, procedures and any necessary closures as new info and direction comes from the government.

covid vaccinated brisbane photographer
brisbane photographer covid vaccinated


UPDATED – 14 September 2021

I am now fully vaccinated according to Australian Government guidelines against COVID-19, to help to protect your family and mine. 


UPDATED – 20 August 2021

Woohoo! I finally got my first jab today. Looking forward to being fully vaccinated soon, and contributing to herd immunity!


UPDATED – 13 August 2021

I hope you all survived lockdown alright! I’m back in the studio for sessions again. Rest assured that your booking dates are flexible and can be shifted if we end up back in lockdown. As always, get in touch if you have questions or would like to chat about booking a newborn or family session. 


UPDATED – 2 August 2021

I’m sure one day I’ll look back at this page with an odd feeling of nostalgia, but for now….. here’s where we’re at!

The studio is closed for sessions at the moment. Lockdown is scheduled to end next Sunday evening, but I’m not counting my chickens yet. I will be in contact with clients who have shoots booked to reschedule as needed. 

If you are due soon, and you’re keen on newborn photos, but you’re not sure if it’s going to work out… don’t worry! Family shoots can be rescheduled no worries. Newborns are a little trickier. Ideally, your session would happen at around the 1-2 week old mark. If that can’t happen due to COVID lockdown, your reservation fee will be refunded in full. So don’t delay – I have limited availability due to the closure times. Enquire HERE to secure your spot – risk free. 

If you’re worried about missing that window for newborn photos, don’t stress! EVERY age is beautiful to photograph. 

Stay safe, hug your kids, get vaccinated, and see you on the other side!

Jess x


UPDATED – 5 July 2021

I’m keeping a close eye on daily case numbers and the studio is currently open for sessions and ordering appointments with a maximum of one family in the studio each day. 


UPDATED – 1 July 2021

Here we go again! It’s another lockdown, renos and banana-bread style for me. Of course, the studio is closed for sessions at the moment. Fingers are crossed that lockdown ends as scheduled tomorrow. We unfortunately had to cancel a family trip next week, so I have availability for last minute sessions if you need to book in while your newborn is still tiny & fresh. 

As always, get in touch here with any questions. Or skip the contact form and give me a text or call instead – 0412522716. 

Jess x


UPDATED – 5 April 2021

Happy Easter everyone! I hope you have enjoyed a wonderful time with family after last week’s brief lockdown. In line with current regulations, the studio is currently open for sessions. While the mask-wearing regulations are in place (currently until April 15, 2021), I will be shooting with a mask, and asking all clients over the age of 12 to wear a mask while they’re not in front of the camera. Social distancing and standard hygiene practices (surface cleaning, hand sanitising etc.) are still being observed as per normal during the pandemic. 

As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to get in touch to chat on 0412 522 716. 

Take care, Jess


UPDATED – 25 August 2020

After a great few months of very few COVID-19 cases in Queensland, the studio has been operating as normal with a few extra precautions to keep your precious babies and families safe.

With a possible rise in the number of infections in Queensland, I wanted to reassure you that the COVID-safe procedures outlined in my previous update are still being carefully implemented. Until the Government guidelines change, I will be continuing with this plan.

As always, please feel free to get in touch if you have any questions or concerns on 0412 522 716.


UPDATED – 12 May 2020

It looks like baby snuggles are going to be happening again! I am opening the studio for family and newborn portraits, starting this coming weekend.

To ensure the safety of both my family and yours, I am committed to maintaining a hygienic environment for you & your little ones.

As always,

I will never photograph your family if I am unwell.

  • If you or a family member is sick, please let me know with as much notice as possible so that we can reschedule your shoot.
  • All of my props and fabrics are washed after each use.
  • Frequent hand sanitising will be done during your session, and we have plenty for you to use too.
  • The studio is cleaned between every session.

And a few extra precautions for now,

Only immediate family members from your household can attend the studio for your photo shoot.

  • No more than one session or ordering appointment will be scheduled per day to allow for cleaning and disinfecting between clients.
  • I will be wearing a fabric mask while handling and posing your baby.
  • Ordering appointments may be conducted via Zoom instead of coming back into the studio – this will be discussed individually at the time of your shoot.


UPDATED – 7th May 2020

I’m so excited that restrictions are easing in Queensland (and Australia as a whole), and it’s looking like I might be welcoming you back into the studio sooner than expected. I am starting to receive enquiries and bookings for late May onwards – the dates will still be flexible to ensure we comply with Government guidelines.

If you are expecting a little one soon, please get in touch to chat.


UPDATED – 20th April 2020

Firstly, can I just say how impressed I am with the Aussie response to this pandemic!? We are all doing our bit, and it’s working.

Now is the time to hold the line, but I’m happily looking forward to re-opening my studio in a few months’ time. At this stage, I’m hoping to start bookings for newborn and family sessions in July 2020. And if your bub is a little outside the two week “ideal window” by then, don’t worry. I’ve photographed many older babies and they’re still super crazy adorable at any age. Little Rafaela here was 6 weeks old when her photos were taken!

six week old baby newborn style photography brisbane

So please get in touch if you’re due in the next few months. I’ve love to hear from you, and sessions can still be booked with no upfront reservation fee, so you don’t have to worry if everything goes pear-shaped again and you have to reschedule or cancel your shoot.

Stay safe, stay sane, and wash your hands!

Jess xx


UPDATED – 30th March 2020

In line with Government directives issued yesterday, the studio will be unable to host newborn or family sessions. At this stage, business headshots for individuals can be done in the studio, and you can see my corporate photography website here for more information.

I am still working on completing client galleries, conducting ordering appointments via Zoom, and taking bookings for sessions later in the year. As I don’t yet know when the studio can be fully operational again, I am offering the opportunity to book your session with no up-front cost. If you have a baby due July 2020 or afterwards, or would like to chat about a family portrait, please get in touch here.

Stay home & stay safe!
Jess xx


UPDATED – 25th March 2020

The time has come to very carefully consider how I look after my clients & my family.

I am still taking limited bookings for small family groups where everyone in attendance is well. All cleaning and sanitary precautions will be taken for every session.

I will be in touch with clients who have upcoming bookings to manage either scheduling or postponing their sessions and ordering appointments on a case-by-case basis.

Print pickups can still be completed with no contact required. I do still have some orders with my suppliers and I will be working with them over the coming days to ensure your beautiful prints are safe.


I will be taking long-term bookings for newborns due July 2020 onwards, and families wishing to schedule portraits later in the year – no reservation fee required. So let me pencil you in with no up-front cost to you. Referral bonuses are still available and can be accrued during this time too.

Take care, hold your family close.

Jess xx


UPDATED – 24th March 2020

We are still well, and continue to self-isolate. However, with the current trajectory of COVID-19 cases, I have decided to limit the potential exposure for my clients even more.

I will be doing ordering appointments online via Zoom instead of in person in the studio.

  • All current bookings can go ahead if everyone in attendance is well.
  • New bookings will be taken on a case by case basis depending on the size of the family and the availability of an assistant for newborn sessions.

If you have any questions, or would like to chat about a session soon, please get in touch here.


UPDATED – 18th March 2020

My family and I have decided to self-isolate early starting Monday 16th March 2020. This is purely precautionary: both to help “flatten the curve” and to ensure that I can continue to stay open for my clients and provide a safe environment.

We are currently all well and in a very low risk category for COVID-19.

The studio is separate from all other areas of our home, and will only be accessed by myself. I recently completed a deep clean of my entire studio and prop collection (epic undertaking!) due to renovation dust getting in.

For current clients – if you are unwell at the time of your booking, please let me know with as much notice as possible so that we can reschedule your session.

For future clients – I am continuing to take bookings and welcome any questions you may have. Being a small studio, I have the opportunity to ensure the space is clean before each session, and clients do not need to interact with other families during their time here.

I very much appreciate your support through this time, and hope that my business will survive this crisis – I would love to be taking your family’s beautiful photos for many years to come.

Jess xx