Vote for your favourite family to WIN beautiful photography products valued at $1,000!


Welcome to the first Family of the Year competition – to celebrate some of the wonderful families I’ve photographed this year (and surviving 2020!).


Complete the form below to cast your vote for the family you want to win.


The winning family will receive a $1,000 product credit voucher towards beautiful images from their shoot this year, or to put towards a session in 2021.


Everyone who votes will go into the draw to receive a family or newborn portrait experience voucher valued at $250.

VOTING CLOSES 7th December

The winner will be announced on Facebook on Tuesday 8th December.


1. Hoffman Family

brisbane family photographer

2. Hennessey Family

Wilkins Family

3. Heskett Family

Davey Family

4. Davey Family

family photographer brisbane

5. Mann Family

brisbane newborn photographer

6. Barkla Family

Thanks for voting! The winner has been announced on Facebook.