10 Sep Brisbane Women’s Physio – the Best in Pre- and Post-Natal Care

I first met Lisa about five years ago and have enjoyed following her journey developing a first-class Brisbane women’s physio clinic. I recently had the opportunity to photograph a few of the workshops and classes that Mummy & Co offer, and wanted to share those services with you.

It was clear straight away that Lisa and her team love what they do, and they’re dedicated to supporting their patients completely. The morning felt completely relaxed. They involve bubs in the sessions, give cuddles while training, and chat about shared parenting challenges.

What is Mummy & Co physio all about?
Lisa, director & physio:

What inspired you to start Mummy & Co?
I always knew I wanted to help people with their health. When I was in my first year of my Physio degree I observed a women’s health Physio (who’s now one of my closest friends!) and I was hooked from that moment.
What do you see for the future of your physiotherapy practice?
The future is actually almost here. I’m about to expand to make it more obvious that we’re here to help all women with their health and fitness, no matter their age. I love my job so much I know I’ll be doing this for the rest of my life.
Do you only treat Brisbane women?
Patients come from far and wide to seek women’s health help from me and my team. Typically it’s ladies within a 10km radius but we regularly have patients travel further such as Esk and Hervey Bay.

What makes Mummy & Co different to other physios?
All of my team have postgraduate training in women’s health Physio which is different to seeing a general Physio in private practice. We pride ourselves on offering an evidence based service that’s not just Physio but also exercise and fitness.
There is also a wonderful community established with our patients. We don’t just treat our patients – we support them as people.
When is the best time to see an obstetric physio?
The best time to see an obstetric Physio is during your pregnancy, but it’s never to late to come and ask for advice or help!
What are the conditions that you specialise in treating?
We treat women of all ages and backgrounds:
- young women, pre-kids with endometriosis,
- pregnant and postnatal ladies,
- mums with older kids,
- ladies who don’t have children,
- post menopausal women
We’re highly trained in treating:
- bladder and bowel leakage,
- prolapse,
- returning to exercise (especially high impact like running, F45, or CrossFit),
- pain with intercourse,
- tailbone pain,
- mastitis, and more
Brisbane Women’s Physio – Classes
Mummy & Co offer a range of strength and fitness classes, with more getting underway soon. You can have a look at the full timetable here.
Pregnancy Strength & Fitness Class
Keeping fit and strong while also growing a human can be tricky! Mummy & Co have pregnancy classes that are safe for mums-to-be. Plus they can be tailored to suit your body and your stage of pregnancy.
Mums & Bubs Strength & Fitness
I remember when my boys were little that finding a way to exercise with tiny people was really difficult. Now you can workout alongside your babies, and all classes are safe for postnatal recovery and strengthening.
Active Birth Workshop
Every six weeks Mummy & Co run an empowering workshop to help prepare couples for birth. You can read all about it here. If you want to go into labour with knowledge and strategies that can help you have a positive delivery experience, then definitely check this one out.
The morning that I visited coincided with the Share the Dignity Yoga4Dignity event. Lisa led a lovely class with babies and big sisters joining in too.

Thanks to Lisa & her team for sharing their morning with me.
If you’re looking for a fantastic Brisbane women’s physio, or want to improve your strength and fitness, I really encourage you to get in touch with Mummy & Co here.
Thanks for visiting!
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And if you’re expecting your own bundle of joy soon, check out some gorgeous newborns here.
You can contact me for more info and to book your session here.
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