custom photo apps brisbane photographer

Introducing Custom Photo Apps for your Newborn & Family Photos

Custom Photo Apps make it so easy to enjoy your photos

I talk a lot about the value of prints. My goal is to make it easy for you to enjoy your photos with a huge range of options for frames, canvas, metal and acrylic prints. But what about digital images? They’re a big part of booking a professional newborn or family shoot. We love to be able to share our favourite pics on social media, email etc. So I offer high resolution digital files in all of my packages too. To make it even easier to share and enjoy your photos, I’ve recently introduced custom photo apps for my clients.

custom photo apps brisbane photographer

You can have your photos installed on your phone or tablet in just a few clicks! Instructions for your device will pop up the first time you open your app. 

custom photo apps brisbane newborn photographer custom photo apps brisbane newborn photographercustom photo app installation

This makes it super easy for you to access your digital photos within seconds – and once you’ve viewed your gallery, you can see them in the app even when you’re offline. 

There are links within the app to share it with friends and family (grandparents love this!). No more giant emails, slow uploads, or physically dropping off the USB.

What’s Inside?

Your app includes:

  • All the digital images purchased from your session. They are low resolution watermarked copies so you can share them online, save them to your device and send to friends.
  • The slideshow video of your beautiful photos. Make sure your device isn’t on silent to enjoy the music!
  • Links to easily share the app with friends and family via Facebook, email, text, Pinterest and Twitter.
  • The ability to HEART your favourites and view a slideshow of your shortlist.
  • Quick links to get in touch with me. 

custom photo apps brisbane

custom photo apps brisbane

Soon I’m hoping to integrate a referral program so that you can use your app to refer your friends and receive prints, extra images or even a free shoot as a thank you!

brisbane newborn photographer


If you are a past client and you’d love an app of your previous session, just send me an email to and I’ll send one right back! 

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