20 Jul Emma | 6 months | Brisbane Baby Photographer
Emma is such a delightful little munchkin, and growing so quickly. I’m so enjoying her Baby’s First year sessions – it’s lovely seeing Emma grow up, and I don’t like to wish time away, but I can’t wait for her 9 month session.
Such gorgeous big blue eyes!
I always wanted to get a photo like this of Sam, but he never really got into the foot grabbing. Emma was loving it, and such a cute little poser!
So beautiful and peaceful, looking up at her mummy.
Baby’s First Year is a collection of four sessions (or five including newborn session) at three, six, nine and 12 months, and is a gorgeous way to document your little one’s first year of life. And of course I get to have super cute cuddles and remember when my own babies were this little! If you would like to chat about your own collection, please get in touch here.
You can see Emma’s newborn pics here, and 3 month session here.
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