organic newborn photos brisbane

Welcoming Remy | Organic Newborn Photos Brisbane

When Brianne contacted me about her little man’s upcoming newborn photos, she had a particular image in mind of her partner holding their baby boy in his hands. Little Remy was so happy to be snuggled up with dad – I just love how this image came out. They chose to print this on metal in black and white and it looked amazing! Scroll down to see the finished print.

brisbane newborn photographer

Maternity Portraits

 Brianne was just gorgeous at 36 weeks. I love the variety of maternity photos that can be achieved in the studio with just a few outfit and background changes. It’s always lovely to meet my newborn clients for a maternity session. 

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My favourite! 

maternity portrait brisbane

A New Family

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Organic Newborn Photos Brisbane

Brianne requested a natural and organic feel for Remy’s newborn photos. His beautiful skin suited these neutrals and creams perfectly. 

relaxed newborn photography brisbane

This is my favourite!

organic newborn photos brisbane

For photographers – Teak bowl from Ishka | Cream background fabric from Sister Act Baby Props | Cream wool fill from BumbleBee Boutique

neutral newborn portrait timber cream brisbane

Those lips! He has such an expressive little face.

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For photographers – This lovely natural blanket is from IKEA.

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Metal Print – The Beautiful Finished Product

These amazing metal prints are best appreciated in person, but I took a couple of photos to give you an idea. They have a floating hanging device which brings them off the wall slightly and the finish is just beautiful.

metal print newborn photography brisbane metal print newborn photography brisbane

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