What to wear for family photos

What to Wear for Family Photos

While family photos are all about your beautiful faces, the overall look of your images can be greatly enhanced by a nicely coordinated wardrobe. I’m often asked what to wear for family photos, so I decided to collate some helpful ideas and inspiration.

I encourage my families to go for similar tones without being too matchy matchy! Start with one or two favourite (and complementary) colours, and then fill the gaps with neutrals.

Often a good place to start is with mum’s outfit. Find something that’s comfortable, makes you feel your sparkliest, and that you’re ok seeing yourself in for a good long while (your photos will be on the wall for years!). Then plan the rest of the family around that – colours / dressiness level / season.

I’ve created a Pinterest board with some gorgeous ideas to get you started. I’ve also pinned a few images of my beautiful clients who chose lovely outfits that worked so well together. You don’t have to go out and buy a whole new ensemble for every family member – just look for what you have that goes nicely together.

Some of these colour combos are just divine! Click below to have a browse.

I’ll keep adding to this board as I find more helpful ideas.

If you found this post helpful, please feel free to share.

*Blog post cover image from The Motherchic.

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